A DAY AGO, a Reddit user named ylwwsnow2 posted a picture of his friend’s tattoo.
He explained that his friend got drunk and decided to tattoo Charmander from Pokémon himself.
For reference, here’s what Charmander actually looks like.
So it’s fair to say that the tattoo is pretty terrible.
For some reason, though, it has completely captured the imagination of Reddit.
This morning, the r/funny subreddit was completely dominated by talk of the Charmander tattoo.
Someone has already put it on a t-shirt.
Another person put the image on an engagement ring.
A necklace, too?!
And there’s much more where that came from.
Others have even been sharing their ill-advised Pokémon tattoos in solidarity.
Yesterday evening, the original poster proved naysayers wrong when he posted proof that the tattoo is most definitely real.
He explained to other commenters that the owner of the tattoo is 27 and did it himself while drunk and high on Xanax. When he woke up with the tattoo, he asked friends why they didn’t try to stop him and they explained that they did – multiple times.
At least he’s now the proud owner of a viral tattoo, though, right?